Monday, August 22, 2011

Rotten Apple

What's going in the Arab world is just a microcosm of what will soon happen in other even more developed and FREE countries. We recently learned that most of the rioters in London are young teens and GANG members just randomly out to cause destruction. Where there's a will there's a way. When you through a brick through your neighbors window something serious must surely be on your mind. How bout unemployment? Police brutality? Unfair tax hikes? I always felt the U.K. was a step ahead of us here in the states. I'm not proclaiming mass rioting is on the way here, but people frustrations are becoming more visible. I drive a taxi in New York City. I investigate peoples moods and actions. People are seemingly becoming more standoffish, more irritable, and less helpful. The government are treating us like morons. They can only hope that the I pad craze can distract us long enough so we ignore the real issue till they find a solution. There never is a solution. These robotic, idiotic, heartless ghouls in charge would rather castrate someone like me then have another lower middle class child be a burden on the mega rich. They will make it literally impossible to raise a child on a working mans salary. Then when we're forced to starve cause of the rising living expenses some concerned liberal educator will call child services on us cause our child eat a generic brand of ravioli. It's a rotten scene brewing. I work hard, they don't. There's nothing lazier then a congressman. They spend most of the time soliciting voters on twitter, looking for gay sex on craigslist or just sleeping in their office. You the saying lesser of two evils? That no longer rings true. Their evil eyes are lifeless, bloodless and red with fire. I'm not pushing for a revolt. People are much to disorganized to do so. I'm just hoping we the people will rise up and speak up against people trying to destroy us by forcing us into poverty. Gas and electric should be free or at least be handled differently. Every American should be entitled to food and medical treatment. Dr. Death is on the way if we continually keep our heads down and take whatever they give us. Which is next to nothing. Speak up middle class Americans! We won't let them eliminate us the way they did the Native Americans. We're here and we got nowhere else to go.

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